How to Apply Sunscreen: 10 Common Mistakes to Avoid

Today we will know about How to Apply Sunscreen, Nowadays, sunscreen has become an important part of our lives. It helps protect individuals from sunburn and also protects skin from harmful radiations. But to protect your skin, you must know about the appropriate quantities of sunscreen. Most of us do not know about how to use sunscreen properly. 

In this blog you will be told about 10 mistakes related to sunscreen and along with that you will be given information about different ways to correct them.

10 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Applying Sunscreen

How to Apply Sunscreen

Sunscreen is considered as important as water for our skin. But to get its complete benefits you must use it adequately. There are 10 common mistakes to avoid while applying sunscreen. 

1.Not Applying the Adequate Amount

If you feel that how to apply sunscreen a smaller amount of will not have any effect on your skin from the sun rays, then this method is absolutely wrong. Using less sunscreen will never remove the staining on your skin. To prevent damage to the skin caused by sunburn, it is necessary to use sunscreen in the right quantity.

2.How to Apply Sunscreen on Your Face in the Right Manner

Sunscreen should always be applied 15-20 minutes after going out. And it should be applied in appropriate quantities till the neck and back of the neck. Sunscreen should be slowly applied on the face with fingers until it gets set well on your skin. If you sweat frequently then apply sunscreen thoroughly every 2 hours.

3.Applying Only During Summers

The rays of the Sun always stain your skin. Be it sunshine, clouds or rain. These rays also come from inside glass windows and snow and most of the people are not aware of this and due to which their skin gets damaged more due to sunburn. Therefore, applying sunscreen only in summer is not good for the skin. Rather sunscreen should be used in every season.

4. Not Reapplying

Not everyone wants to know how to apply sunscreen. While most people don’t want to use sunscreen again.

The effect of sunscreen reduces with time. That is why it is important to use sunscreen every two hours, especially when you are going out or are in contact with the sun.

5. Not Applying on the Body

Along with the face, other parts of the body also get tanned. That is why it is necessary to apply sunscreen on your neck and the back of the neck as well. And only by using sunscreen in appropriate quantities can one avoid getting sunburn. Similarly, when you go out, apply it on your hands.

You can also use sunscreen in appropriate quantities on your body to protect your body from sunburn.

6. Only Considering the Sun Protection Factors

Sun protection factor is an important component of sunscreen. But it does not affect the skin. Sun protection factor only measures the damage to the skin caused by sunlight. So, while applying sunscreen, do not only look at sun protection but also at other components of sunscreen.

7. Not Considering the Filters

If you don’t understand how to apply sunscreen, it can’t guard you from sunburn. We will let you do this. There are three forms of solar protection. Chemical, physical, and hybrid. Chemical sunscreens take in the solar’s UV rays, at the same time as bodily sunscreen reflects the solar’s rays. And synthetic sunscreens work both chemically and physically.

8.Relying Only on Sunscreens for Sun Protection

There are more chances of tanning on our skin due to coming in contact with UV rays. That is why we should use sunscreen in all seasons and keep using it for two hours. If you stay in front of the sun for a long time, you should use the appropriate amount of sunscreen. which should be used.

Therefore, avoid going out directly into the sun. And if you remain in the sun for a long time then you must use the right sunscreen to take good care of your skin.

9.Using an Expired Product

Any other product like sunscreen also has a life of its own. You can use sunscreen only till the end of the date of use.If you use sunscreen with an expired date then there are chances of side effects on your skin.And expired products may cause skin allergy or side effects.

10. Applying Just Before Stepping Out

You need adequate time for the sunscreen to get absorbed by your body. And for this reason it is important to use sunscreen properly before going out. So that your skin can be protected by the UV rays of the Sun.

Why is it Important to Use Sunscreen to Protect Your Skin?

By using sunscreen, your skin can be protected from the sun’s UV rays (Ultra Violet Rays). Sunscreen should always be used in the right way, which reduces the chances of your skin getting sunburnt. Sunscreen should be used half an hour before going out in the sun And if you go out in the sun for a long time then you should keep using sunscreen frequently. Using sunscreen effectively guarantees maximum safety and protects your skin. also in past days when sunscreen is not there people oftenly use amla oil for hair care and face care.


All these troubles may be prevented through protecting your pores and skin from the sun. It is critical to use the right sunscreen at the proper time to protect your pores and skin from sunburn, ultraviolet rays and different hazards. How to apply sunscreen before going out, and revel in the ensuing protection.

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