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Johan Rockström Wins ‘Nobel for the Environment’

Johan Rockström, an expert in the field of sustainability, has earned a major honour.

Johan Rockström is this year’s winner of the Tyler Prize, colloquially known as the “Nobel Prize for the Environment.”

Rockström, director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and chief scientist at Conservation International, was recognized for his work developing the planetary limits framework, which assesses the Earth’s ability to sustain humanity.

Rockström and his team introduced the concept in 2009 and have provided several updates since then; The latest research, released in 2023, brought serious news: it revealed that six of the nine limits had already gone beyond the “safe operating space”. As a result, Rockström warns that breaching tipping points risks “irreversibly shifting” life on Earth.

Referring to the end of the current geologic era, he said, “We have irreversibly changed much of planet Earth, but we still find evidence that we kept the planet close enough to the Holocene to continue supporting humanity. Was.” “And that’s what the limits of the planet are about, giving the planet the opportunity to live in Holocene-like conditions to support humanity,” Hui said.

Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and one of the Planetary Guardians, said, “The science of planetary boundaries is a vital measurement framework for the world to ensure we protect our life support systems.” Promote collective action. “I am thrilled that Johan Rockström is receiving this prestigious award.”

Overall, Rockstrom has published over 100 research articles and four books, in addition to TED Talks, a Netflix film, and other media accolades. Previously, he had received the German Environmental Prize and the Zoological Society of London Award for Conservation Innovation.

“Johan is one of the most cited scientists in the world, and with good reason,” said M. Sanjayan, CEO of Conservation International. “His research about planetary boundaries has changed the way we talk about Earth’s life-sustaining systems and humanity’s impact on them.”

The Tyler Award was created in 1973 by dedicated conservationists and philanthropists John and Alice Tyler – and was inaugurated by then-Governor of California Ronald Reagan. The award aims to recognize and inspire those working to preserve our natural world, and carries a prize of $250,000. The Tyler Prize Executive Committee stated that Rockström was selected for his “science-based approach to sustainable development for people on a stable and resilient planet.”

Julia Marton-Lefevre, Chair of the Tyler Prize, said, “Professor Rockstrom’s work embodies the spirit of the Tyler Prize.” “His scientific achievements, combined with his ability to influence policy and connect with the public, have made an invaluable contribution to the well-being of our planet.”

Harrison Ford, vice president of Conservation International, called Rockström “a pioneer, a brilliant mind, a remarkable individual”, adding: “We need to listen to scientists like Johan Rockström.”

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